Saturday 22 December 2012

Comparing Bauer Media to IPC.

Both Bauer Media and IPC are massive companies when it comes to magazines, radio and TV. However, one has progressed further then the other.
Bauer Media is a multi-platform UK based media group which have two separate groups. Those being Magazines and Radio. The magazine side started with Angling Times in 1953. They then branched into the radio side in the 1990s setting up London’s dance radio station Kiss FM which is now known as Kiss 100. They also have other radio stations such as Radio City, Metro group and Magic 105.4. in 1994 Bauer bought a small magazine called for him magazine which is now known as FHM one of the leading men’s magazines in the world. They then moved onto TV in 1996 with their music channel called The Box, which is now grown into a joint channel with Channel 4. They then launched Britain’s first weekly gossip magazine Closer in 2002 and shortly followed by Grazia in 2005. Today they have over 80 different brand names cover a wide range of different genres.
Bauer Media now rivals with IPC another leading company in Magazines and Radio.
IPC consume 26 million UK adults which is almost two thirds of Britain’s population. They have 3 divisions IPC connect ( Their mass market women’s division with Now, Women and TV times) , IPC Inspire (Their men’s portfolio with magazines such as NME, Nuts and Mousebreaker) and IPC Southbank (Their upmarket women’s division with magazines such as Marie Claire, InStyle and Woman&Home) IPC Launched in 1853 with The Field which became the largest newspaper in Europe. The launched Woman’s Weekly in 1911. Women shortly followed 5 years later and came in colour in 1937. NME was then launched in 1952. In 1988 they launched Marie Claire. They then launched a range of TV Mags throughout the 1990s. All the magazines they have launched are still going strong today.
As a Media student making a magazine if i to chose a company to sell my magazine it would have to be IPC as they have such a wide range of knowledge about producing magazines and they seem to go worldwide. However, Bauer Media have more knowledge of Music magazines and music channels and as a student making a Music magazine it may be a better bet to go with someone like Bauer Media.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

contents school mag

this is my contents page, again i would change the whole house style. on this page i have alot of white space, so i need to fill this space with more relevant stuff. otherwise there will be alot of dead space on the page.

Thursday 8 November 2012

school mag front page

My School magazine front cover. i like this cover however in my music magazine i would make the background one colour and i would also change my colour scheme. this is because there is too much pink, it doesnt draw attention to the things its needs to. the background should not blend with the words on the cover.

School Mag Essay

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Fonts and Colours

This is the different types of fonts and colours that i thought about using for my school magazine. i eventually went with the last font and changed the colours to Navy and Yellow like the school colours.
i decided that i would go for a girly, swirly sort of font because it is a fashion magazine aimed at sixth form fashion.

Thursday 25 October 2012

First Flat Plan

My first flat plan for my school magazine.
It is very basic and i look to make another flat plan but more developed.
My first flat plan for my school magazine contents.
Again it is very basic and i look to go onto making a second one but it is more developed

Thursday 11 October 2012

Audience Questionnaires

Audience Profile




Favourite Shops:




Course taken at school:

How important are magazines:

What magazines do you read?

 From this chart I could see that a lot of my audience like football, this could be because it is a form of exercise but in a fun way. My pop magazine wont't incorporate football however.
From this i can see that a lot of people dont really know what they want to be. This could be helpful because the magazine could help motivate them to decide who to become. The second most popular answer was to be a singer and as this is a Pop magazine this could be helpful and useful for what they want to do.
 All of the people that i spoke to were students. So I would aim my magazine at a student audience and make sure it is low budget so that they can afford it as a magazine won't be their main priority.
 Here there was a mixed response on what subjects they take so I can see that my audience are quite creative.
 As you can see a lot of people think that magazines are important however some dont see them as being important. However, with this information i know that some people think that they are meaning that there will be people that buy the magazine.
 As we can see most of the people i asked read magazines like Glamour and Marie-Claire which tells me that i should be aiming for a High class sort of magazine to attract the write audience.
 My chart shows me that my audience are all different ages so i would make the age of my target audience to be a around 15 -25 because then i hit a whole decade.
 Most of the people that took my survey were girls so that target audience for my magazine would be Girls.
A lot of my audience were interested in music which is ideal for me as i am making a music magazine.
 The dislikes of the poeple that took my survey didn't like a range of things. These things aren't really relevant to my magazine so i dont need to incorporate this information heavily in my magazine.

Topshop came out on top of people favorite shops which means my audience are people that can get afford the clothes in Topshop.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

School Magazine - Flat Plan 2

school mag housestyle

these are the house styles i came up with for my school magazine, i decided to go with the first one as it had a range of colours but also complemented each other.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

School magazine Masthead colours

I decided to use illustrator instead of photoshop, because there was a font on there that i really wanted to use.

Thursday 4 October 2012

School magazine comparison

Deconstruction of Caterham School and Fearns Lancs School magazines.

Both Magazines Caterhamain and FFH are about schools, however you can tell by the layout of Caterhamain that it is a very rich, well off school, whereas FFH isn’t as rich as Caterhamain.
FFH’s masthead takes up the right hand corner of the magazine and is very bold. They have used an abbreviation so that the name isn’t too long. It is short and snappy. They have used a san serif font, however the first F does have a tail on it, the letter interlink with their logo making it easy on the eye and easy to remember. Above their masthead they have their tagline ‘achieving success together’ this encodes that the magazine and school are all about achieving to the best of their ability together, they work as a community to strive for greatness.  The colour palette they chose to use are a maroon type could along with a light pink, they keep this theme throughout the magazine, thus making this work very well in their favour. The main image is of some girls playing netball, you can tell that this school don’t necessarily have a lot of money because the girls are wearing standard bibs whilst playing, a school like Caterhamain would have their own custom made. The bibs on the front also match in with the colour scheme. Furthermore you can tell that FFH do not use a lot of money toward their magazine because their contents page is also on the front cover of the magazine, by doing this they are saving money and making sure they are not wasting resources.
Interestingly, the caterhamain takes a different approach on their magazine, they use a very simple design with few words, and whereas FFH crammed everything they could onto their front page.
Caterhamain masthead is placed in the centre of the front page, they use a san serif font and the masthead is place on a yellow banner. The masthead isn’t very bold however. They want to draw more attention to what the school does, by showcasing some of their students on the front cover. The colour palette for this magazine is yellow and black. In the pictures displayed nothing of what they are wearing you would find at the school of FFH, they have everything designed just for them. This shows that the school have a lot of money to spend on the magazine. The contents page is then on the next page, this take up a whole page and have various pictures of the students, from the contents page you can see that the magazine is very long as they have a lot of topic to cover. This then again suggests that the school have spent a lot of money on the magazine, they probably got someone in to create it for them.
Taken together i can tell that Caterhamian have spent a lot of money on their magazine and is targeted at a person who is probably of middle class whereas FFH is more of a common school, where students work as a community rather than working on individual success.