Thursday 11 October 2012

Audience Questionnaires

Audience Profile




Favourite Shops:




Course taken at school:

How important are magazines:

What magazines do you read?

 From this chart I could see that a lot of my audience like football, this could be because it is a form of exercise but in a fun way. My pop magazine wont't incorporate football however.
From this i can see that a lot of people dont really know what they want to be. This could be helpful because the magazine could help motivate them to decide who to become. The second most popular answer was to be a singer and as this is a Pop magazine this could be helpful and useful for what they want to do.
 All of the people that i spoke to were students. So I would aim my magazine at a student audience and make sure it is low budget so that they can afford it as a magazine won't be their main priority.
 Here there was a mixed response on what subjects they take so I can see that my audience are quite creative.
 As you can see a lot of people think that magazines are important however some dont see them as being important. However, with this information i know that some people think that they are meaning that there will be people that buy the magazine.
 As we can see most of the people i asked read magazines like Glamour and Marie-Claire which tells me that i should be aiming for a High class sort of magazine to attract the write audience.
 My chart shows me that my audience are all different ages so i would make the age of my target audience to be a around 15 -25 because then i hit a whole decade.
 Most of the people that took my survey were girls so that target audience for my magazine would be Girls.
A lot of my audience were interested in music which is ideal for me as i am making a music magazine.
 The dislikes of the poeple that took my survey didn't like a range of things. These things aren't really relevant to my magazine so i dont need to incorporate this information heavily in my magazine.

Topshop came out on top of people favorite shops which means my audience are people that can get afford the clothes in Topshop.

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