Thursday 4 October 2012

School magazine comparison

Deconstruction of Caterham School and Fearns Lancs School magazines.

Both Magazines Caterhamain and FFH are about schools, however you can tell by the layout of Caterhamain that it is a very rich, well off school, whereas FFH isn’t as rich as Caterhamain.
FFH’s masthead takes up the right hand corner of the magazine and is very bold. They have used an abbreviation so that the name isn’t too long. It is short and snappy. They have used a san serif font, however the first F does have a tail on it, the letter interlink with their logo making it easy on the eye and easy to remember. Above their masthead they have their tagline ‘achieving success together’ this encodes that the magazine and school are all about achieving to the best of their ability together, they work as a community to strive for greatness.  The colour palette they chose to use are a maroon type could along with a light pink, they keep this theme throughout the magazine, thus making this work very well in their favour. The main image is of some girls playing netball, you can tell that this school don’t necessarily have a lot of money because the girls are wearing standard bibs whilst playing, a school like Caterhamain would have their own custom made. The bibs on the front also match in with the colour scheme. Furthermore you can tell that FFH do not use a lot of money toward their magazine because their contents page is also on the front cover of the magazine, by doing this they are saving money and making sure they are not wasting resources.
Interestingly, the caterhamain takes a different approach on their magazine, they use a very simple design with few words, and whereas FFH crammed everything they could onto their front page.
Caterhamain masthead is placed in the centre of the front page, they use a san serif font and the masthead is place on a yellow banner. The masthead isn’t very bold however. They want to draw more attention to what the school does, by showcasing some of their students on the front cover. The colour palette for this magazine is yellow and black. In the pictures displayed nothing of what they are wearing you would find at the school of FFH, they have everything designed just for them. This shows that the school have a lot of money to spend on the magazine. The contents page is then on the next page, this take up a whole page and have various pictures of the students, from the contents page you can see that the magazine is very long as they have a lot of topic to cover. This then again suggests that the school have spent a lot of money on the magazine, they probably got someone in to create it for them.
Taken together i can tell that Caterhamian have spent a lot of money on their magazine and is targeted at a person who is probably of middle class whereas FFH is more of a common school, where students work as a community rather than working on individual success.

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